Resources for Ananda Singers

Practice MP3s

Use the Music menu above to download practice MP3s. Here you’ll find copies of many of the same MP3s that are available on the main Ananda Music Site. (Login: anandamusic/joyjoy.)

Special thanks to Jeffrey Phillips, Chaitanya, Jeannie, Dambara, Karen, and David Eby for recording many wonderful MP3s.

Where to Get MP3s – Update

You can go to the Ananda Music site and download nearly all the MP3s you’ll need to learn Swami Kriyananda’s music. They’ve created big sets of the parts, so you can download all the Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass parts in one fell swoop.

Visit The Ananda Music Library. login: anandamusic, pw: joyjoy

On the landing page, scroll down a bit and you’ll see the sets of MP3 parts. Grab ’em and you’ll have nearly all the MP3s for practicing Swamiji’s music.

For anything else, (e.g., The Master’s Love for Me, you can generally find it here on Ananda Garden.

If you acquire a practice MP3 that you would like to share, you can send it to Rambhakta via or another big-file transfer service. If it’s under 10 MB, you can email it: 

“I can best express through music the feeling of holy upliftment that possessed me. Therefore I tell people, ‘If you want to know me, listen to my music.’ It is through this that people have come to understand what Ananda is truly all about. Without its influence, Ananda would not be what it is today. Books and lectures are only the outer form of the teachings. Music is its coursing blood.” (Swamiji, in A Place Called Ananda)

Sheet Music

NEW: Choir Music Complete. This is a 544-page PDF containing all of the sheet music for Swamiji”s pieces for choir and smaller groups (SATB format). It includes the latest version of the scores, incorporating all of the changes Swamiji made to the lyrics in April 2013. Can be used on tablets, or saved to your computer for reference or printing.

NOTE: Here is the older 400-page PDF with scores printed double-sided. If the first score (A New Tomorrow) doesn’t print properly from your browser’s PDF plugin (notes mis-drawn), download the file to your desktop and open it with Adobe Reader. It should print fine.)

NEW: A complete collection of sheet music PDFs for all of the the choir and ensemble songs. How is this different from the above? The downloadable folder contains a separate PDF for each song; this is useful, for example, for people who want to batch-upload the PDFs into a professional music app on a computer tablet. (For examples, see the TechLand page.) Zipped folder, about 9.5 MB: choir and ensemble scores

Sheet Music (Individual Parts). PDFs of 57 songs. Each set includes one part. It’s a convenient, compact way to print the music: Soprano | Alto | Tenor | Bass

Oratorio Run Sheet. Formatted for tucking in a bind pocket. PDF or Word Doc.

Other Useful Resources (Thanks to Chris Thorman in Palo Alto):

Lyrics to the Songs of Swami Kriyananda 2021-02-20

Guitar & Harmonium

Guitar Accompaniments lovingly maintained by Dambara.

The O God Beautiful website  by Dambara.  73 harmonium videos of every chant in the Ananda Chants book; 4 “beginner” videos showing how to set up and play a harmonium; 65 guitar accompaniment scores; 6 Festival of Light guitar videos; and 31 guitar accompaniment videos by Jake & Lewis.

Ananda Harmonium Practice Videos. Brahmachari Tandava takes you step by step through 10 popular Ananda chants, learning the melody first, then drone, then chords, then words; plus a video by Dambara showing Swami’s “chord version” of Door of My Heart.

Advice for Singers

Swami Kriyananda’s talk for Ananda singers: How to use the voice to uplift and inspire (15.5 MB MP3)

The Sacred Art of Singing. Advice from Ananda music director David Eby on finding inner attunement with the Divine and singing with inspiration.

Voice Lessons. Ramesha’s Vocal Bliss site offers free resources including instructional videos. A professional singer, violinist, and long-time Ananda member, Ramesha is a highly recommended guide for those wanting to prepare their voices to perform, with a focus on channeling inspiration.

More Resources

The Energization Exercises: 40 Years of Stories (PDF; 5100 words). A disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda recounts his experiences while practicing the “rechargers” every day for more than 41 years.

A list of Ananda music for singing in your car or elsewhere (MS Word). Names of 282 vocal pieces in a list that you can download, edit to your liking, and print to keep in your car. Learn, practice, and soar in spirit as you drive (or shower, or cook, or hike).